“The National Olympiad of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for Higher Education (ONMIPA-PT) is a student-level competition that assesses knowledge in one of the four subjects: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Mathematics. This event is organized by the Indonesian Talent Development Institute (BPTI), the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). The ONMIPA-PT for this year was held at Hasanuddin University, Makassar, from May 12th to 17th, 2024, and was attended by 260 participants from 89 universities across Indonesia. Participants are students who have passed the regional selection, thus qualifying them to compete at the national level.
Airlangga University sent 12 students representing the fields of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Mathematics. The Physics representatives included Rizky Setiawan (2022), Adiva Nuris Safira (2021), Dwi Cahyo Marianto (2021), and Rofii (2021). One of the Physics students, Rofii (2021), won a bronze medal. This achievement is a source of pride for Airlangga University, especially for the Physics undergraduate program.”