Angga Dito Fauzi
The fourth industrial revolution, which emphasizes automation and data communication concepts, has significantly impacted society, both in urban and rural areas. Almost all layers and levels of society, including those aged 15-18 who are high school students, will experience the effects of the fourth industrial revolution. Without early education and knowledge about the fourth industrial revolution, high school students will struggle to adapt and excel in this modern era. One form of early education that can be provided to high school students is by offering training in basic programming so that they will have skills to navigate the era of the fourth industrial revolution.
Physics encompasses various branches of knowledge, one of which is computational and instrumental physics. One aspect of computational and instrumental physics is basic programming, which has many applications in daily life. In this community service activity, a team of Physics lecturers from UNAIR plans to provide mentoring and training in basic programming to high school students in the Kampak District, Trenggalek Regency, East Java. The selection of this area is due to the low number of UNAIR students from Trenggalek. It is hoped that this training will produce excellent prospects from this region. The objectives of this community service activity are the development of a basic programming training module and the preparation of an activity report article.
Through this community service activity, the Department of Physics at UNAIR will conduct a workshop titled “Introduction to Computer Programming Language for High School Students at SMAN 1 Kampak,” led by Dr. Khusnul Ain, S.T., M.Si., with the aim of ensuring that high school students can keep up with advances in computing technology without difficulty.

This community service activity was attended by a total of 30 participants from students of SMAN 1 Kampak, SMAN 1 Karangan, and SMAN 2 Karangan. The event began with a prayer, singing the Indonesian national anthem and the Airlangga University hymn, followed by speeches from the committee chairperson, the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology, the Head of the Physics Department, and the Principal of SMAN 1 Kampak. This was followed by the main agenda, workshop sessions, and a closing ceremony. During the workshop, students were guided to create simple programs for everyday use using the Octave programming language. The workshop atmosphere became lively as the students showed great enthusiasm in learning the Octave programming language. Several participants engaged in direct discussions about this challenging and exciting programming language.
The leadership team of SMAN 1 Kampak, represented by Bahtiar Kholili, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the school principal, expressed gratitude to the UNAIR community service team for sharing knowledge with high school students and hoped that such activities could continue in the future. At the end of the event, a group photo session and a friendly gathering were held. Overall, the event proceeded smoothly and was successful.